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This new milestone comes just five months after CHROME joined the half million club. Following that announcement, Herby Lutz, Jersey development manager, said, "We have a saying at Select Sires, 'bulls are genomic tested and daughter-proven,' and CHROME is the poster child to illustrate how daughter data helps the accuracy of genomic proofs. Because dairymen provided production and appraisal data from thousands of milking daughters, CHROME set the standard for the Jersey breed in Jersey Udder IndexTM (JUITM) and Type."
CHROME is the result of the partnership between Select Sires and River Valley Farm of Tremont, Illinois. The Sauder family purchased CHROME's dam, Lyon Celebrity CeCe-ET from the world-famous Master Breeder Herd of Lyon Jerseys in Toledo, Iowa. CHROME's maternal side was developed for more than 40 years by the Lyon family, and he is backed by multiple generations of Excellent cows. He is a true, complete package of proven genomics and a time-tested pedigree.
"We're thrilled to see the positive impact CHROME has made in so many herds. He is the kind of bull we love: those that come from great cows and make great udders," said Tim Sauder, River Valley Farm. "We want to thank the Lyons for developing the cow family behind CHROME and for giving us the opportunity to build on that foundation."
CHROME remains competitive on industry rankings for Type, Jersey Performance IndexTM (JPITM) and JUI. Now, with more than 6,322 daughters in his proof, his high reliability provides extreme confidence to his elite rank. High reliability combined with successful offspring have made CHROME a mainstay in breeding programs worldwide. Today, his proof includes daughters from seven different countries and the quality around the world is tremendous.
Based in Plain City, Ohio, Select Sires Inc., is the largest global A.I. cooperative and is comprised of six farmer-owned and -controlled local organizations in the United States. As the industry leader, it provides highly fertile semen, as well as excellence in service and programs to supply dairy and beef producers with the world's best genetics.