Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
March 25 2024
A recent discussion led to one of those questions that always makes me cringe a little: “What’s the number one thing I can do for my forage program in 2024?”
March 25 2024
Colostrum is the keystone to a successful preweaning period, and making sure calves quickly receive a high-quality product is the best tool we have to support their future health
March 25 2024
How many dairy farms are there in the U.S.? It seems like a simple question, and it feels like someone should have a good answer for it
March 22 2024
It takes a lot of hours and manpower to run a dairy farm. It also takes a lot of energy
March 18 2024
When a cow has a difficult calving that requires assistance and a tough pull, what steps should be taken for the calf and the cow to get both off on the right foot?
March 18 2024
I was thinking back and wondering if I had ever written about managing urine pH in close-up dry cows
March 18 2024
Late gestation is one of the critical points of pregnancy when any positive or negative event that occurs can cause long-term effects on the fetus after birth
March 18 2024
Nothing ever stays the same, and if we look at agriculture and beyond, the world has undergone tremendous change over the last two centuries
March 11 2024
Research related to the needs of transition cows has identified calcium as critical to the period following calving, particularly for cows in their second or greater lactation
March 11 2024
You may be familiar with the 2020 “Capper and Cady study” that published scientific-backed results of dairy’s environmental success
March 11 2024
The business of producing milk has always been about doing more with less, said Brandon Treichler during the National Mastitis Council Annual Meeting
March 11 2024
When USDA released its data on the number of dairy farms licensed to sell milk in 2023, it came as a surprise to no one that there were fewer farms milking cows than there had been the year before
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