Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Jan. 22 2024
Supply and demand are often on a teeter-totter ride; when one goes up, the other goes down. This is certainly true for our dairy markets
Jan. 22 2024
Part of running a dairy means being prepared for crises of any kind
Jan. 22 2024
Winter has now made its fierce arrival in much of the country. Along with bringing bitter cold, many crop fields are blanketed with snow that will likely stick around for a while
Jan. 22 2024
As food producers, processors, marketers, distributors, and consumers look to effectively manage their environmental footprint and social impact, the sustainability of the entire dairy industry is under...
Jan. 15 2024
Having a plan or strategy for your business is instrumental in achieving future success
Jan. 15 2024
It is critical to avoid delivering excess nutrients to our dairy animals that they don’t or can’t utilize
Jan. 15 2024
There is no question which ration on a dairy receives the least attention. Often overlooked is the diet for the far off dry cows
Jan. 15 2024
The United States Department of Agriculture’s Foreign Agricultural Service (USDA-FAS) released its latest global dairy markets and trade report in December 2023
Jan. 8 2024
Transition phases in dairy cattle are essential for success. That begins all the way at the beginning of life
Jan. 8 2024
Diversifying income on a dairy can hold the key to financial success though low milk prices
Jan. 8 2024
A new year brings excitement and opportunity, but it can also come with apprehension, especially if you are a business owner
Jan. 8 2024
Harvesting milk must be done safely, effectively, and efficiently to ensure a good experience for the cows as well as the people working with them
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