Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Oct. 9 2023
We all know the sad story surrounding fluid milk consumption. Since the 1940s, milk consumption per capita has been trending downward in the United States. The good news is that consumption of dairy products...
Oct. 9 2023
Transition cows face one of the most difficult turnabouts. As soon as the calf is born, they naturally move from no milk production to a significant ramp up both in quantity of milk and the energy required...
Oct. 9 2023
For more than three decades, the checkoff-funded Dairy Foods Research Centers network has operated with a purpose of making every drop of milk more valuable for our dairy farm families while meeting ever-growing...
Oct. 9 2023
For the second time in three years, Erbacres Snapple Shakira-ET claimed Supreme Champion honors on the colored shavings at World Dairy Expo.
Oct. 2 2023
When a person sets out to be a dairy farmer, they’re probably not doing it with the goal of leading a team of people. But that is an increasingly important role dairy farmers are taking on, whether...
Oct. 2 2023
Margins in the dairy industry have become more pinched over time. Some farms grow larger to keep margins profitable, but if your goal isn’t to get larger, what does the future look like for a small...
Oct. 2 2023
There are two goals of hoof trimming, according to veterinarian Gerard Cramer: Treat lameness and prevent lameness.
Oct. 2 2023
A quick internet search showed me that the term rumen bypass protein was first used in the 1980s. Though it may not be the most perfect technical description, it certainly has staying power
Sept. 25 2023
Industry leaders from around the globe will gather at the gateway to America’s Dairyland when the International Dairy Federation (IDF) World Dairy Summit returns to the U.S. for the first time in...
Sept. 25 2023
Muscle and bone health matters at every age. That’s why dairy products are not only an important part of the diet for children as they build muscle and bone density, but also for older adults
Sept. 25 2023
Both domestically and overseas, the standards for the type of milk processors want to buy have become more stringent
Sept. 25 2023
The U.S. dairy herd has been trending lower since March. One explanation that I continue to hear for the decline is that record-high slaughter prices are pulling more dairy cows
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