Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Oct. 30 2023
Farm to School programs are hailed as a pathway to local procurement of fresh farm products and access for children to critically needed nutritious meals
Oct. 30 2023
Lameness is a global problem, and digital dermatitis is an infectious disease affecting dairy cattle around the world
Oct. 30 2023
This year had an impact on farmers across the US. Speaking specifically to the growing season and crop year, it’s abundantly clear that growing conditions in 2023 influenced the resulting alfalfa
Oct. 30 2023
Milk and dairy products have a unique opportunity with consumers. As staple foods long relied on by shoppers, innovative products and technologies allow them to reach new people and provide benefits
Oct. 23 2023
With every issue of Hoard’s Dairyman, we strive to provide our readers with practical information that can be put to use on their dairies. Farming is complex, and science, technology, and practices
Oct. 23 2023
As many are in the midst of a busy harvest season, it is important to remember safety tips and items that can help save lives on farms. Chris St. Pierre has 27 years of experience in fire and emergency
Oct. 23 2023
The national cooperator database, managed by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB), is the largest record of dairy genetic material in the world. It allows breeders from all over access to high-
Oct. 23 2023
There are growing concerns about what impact an escalating conflict in the Middle East may have on the dairy market
Oct. 16 2023
A calf is born into a world where it is quickly exposed to bacteria from the environment, its dam, the hands of human caretakers, and more
Oct. 16 2023
Today’s political climate seems to feature one surprise after another. Congress shocked the country late last month by voting in an overwhelmingly bipartisan fashion to avert a government shutdown...
Oct. 16 2023
Sometimes, a gut instinct is all you need to try something new. Other times, it may be cautious optimism or interest that gives you the push to make a change
Oct. 16 2023
The new year began with a somewhat prosperous $21.60 All-Milk price forecast. Eventually hamstrung by $13.77 and $14.91 Class III milk prices in June and July, USDA economists revised and lowered the 2023...
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