April 25 2015
I placed this quality class of Jersey cows D B C A. D places over B in a close placing. I give D the advantage in being deeper through her chest floor and prefer the length and snugness of her fore udder...
April 25 2015
B A D C is my placing for this great class of Guernsey cows. B uses her combination of dairy strength and udder to get to the top the class today over A. She is a longer cow from nose to tail with more...
April 25 2015
I place this fine class of Holstein cows D B A C. I started the class with a handy winner in D, who goes to the top of the class for her overall dairyness and angularity throughout. She is sharper in her...
April 25 2015
B D C A is my placing for this class of Brown Swiss cows. With her angularity, style and balance from end to end, B sorts herself to the top of the class. B gets the nod over D because B is a much longer...
Sept. 18 2014
Maggie (Seiler) Gilles was the 26th Hoard's Dairyman summer editorial intern
April 25 2014
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January through March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
April 25 2014
D A C B is my placing in this fine class of 5-year-old Jersey cows. D sorts herself to the top because she has the best rear udder in the class. D uses that distinct edge in rear udder to place over A...
April 25 2014
I placed this class of Ayrshire aged cows D B A C. With her angularity and her stretch from end to end, D easily wins the class. For the top placing, D goes over B because D is sharper throughout. D is...
April 25 2014
I placed this quality class of Guernsey cows D A C B. D easily starts the class with her long, deep and wide frame and quality mammary system. D places over A with a longer, more snugly-attached fore udder....
April 25 2014
I placed this lovely class of Holstein aged cows C D B A. I started the class with C as I feel she is the cow showing the fewest faults. She is a beautifully balanced dairy cow with great feet and legs...
April 25 2014
I placed this class of Brown Swiss aged cows C A B D. C wins the class in a very close placing over A. It is C's overall dairyness, style, balance, and feet and legs that carry her to the top. C is a taller,...
April 24 2014
Silage bags have become a popular method for storing feed. The machine used to fill these bags is called an ag-bagger. We visited Ag-Bag, a Miller-St. Nazianz company in St. Nazianz, Wis., to see the production...
Sept. 13 2013
Iowa State Ames, Iowa Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: Yes # Dairy Science Students: 75 Percent of dairy grads entering the industry: 95% Percent going back to home farm: 20% Average salary:$38,000...
Sept. 13 2013
DORDT COLLEGE Sioux Center, Iowa Student Statistics: Dairy Science major: No Dairy Option: No # Students intending to pursue a dairy career: 20 Percent going to vet school: 15 % Percent in ag research:...
June 18 2013
Taylor Pires was the 25th Hoard's Dairyman summer editorial intern since the program was launched in 1989
April 30 2013
April 30 2013
April 25 2013
Five classes of dairy cows are featured on the covers of our January through March 10 issues, representing five of the dairy breeds. Click the cover image to see the official placing for the class, the...
April 25 2013
In this class of 5-year-old Jersey cows, I placed them A B C D. Starting the class with an easy winner, A has the best udder and most style of all the cows in the class. A uses her advantage in higher...
April 25 2013
I placed this tremendous class of Ayrshire aged cows A B D C. Two well-balanced cows with outstanding mammary systems head this class with A's advantage in cleanness throughout placing her over B. In this...