Feb. 14 2012 06:00 AM

    Nationally, the breed set new production averages.

    Based on a record of 91,028 lactations, the Jersey breed set new category records for pounds of milk, fat, and protein. In 2011, the breed averaged 18,633 pounds of milk, 889 pounds of fat, and 676 pounds of protein. Average yield on a Cheddar cheese equivalent basis was record-setting, as well, at 2,294 pounds.
    To be included in the herd average for the fourth quarter of 2011, lactations had to:
    • have a data collection rating (DCR) equal to or greater than 85
    • be at least 180 days in milk
    • not have a termination code equal to two (sold for dairy) or nine (abortion)
    • cows must be registered as a PR or GR in genetic recovery or be fully registered

    The data collection rating for milk (DCR Milk) is an indication of the accuracy of lactation records from a wide variety of test plans. To calculate DCR Milk, the squared correlation of estimated and true yields is multiplied by a factor to give monthly testing a rating of 100 and daily testing a rating of 104. DCR is computed as soon as 305 days have lapsed. Herd average DCR is the average of all cows that qualify for inclusion in genetic analysis.

    Production Hall of Fame Action Madeline of Kentmere, from the Hoard's Dairyman Farm, earned Hall of Fame Recognition for her lactation complete during the fourth quarter of 2011. The minimum actual production required for Hall of Fame recognition for lactations completed in 2011 was 3,020 pounds of cheese. This set point was 150 percent of the previous year's breed average cheese production or 2,013 pounds. In her 305-day lactation, Action Madeline of Kentmere produced 24,690 pounds of milk, 3,067 pounds of cheese, 1,389 pounds of fat, and 887 pounds of protein.

    Lactation Average Additionally, for the 2011 American Jersey Cattle Association's lactation averages for herds with 150 to 299 cows, the Hoard's Dairyman Farm ranked in the top 10 for milk, fat, or protein. The farm finished fifth nationally with 980 pounds of fat among Jersey herds of a similar size. On 159 lactations, the herd averaged 18,547 pounds of milk and 701 pounds of protein.
