Oct. 3 2023
Students from all over the country did well in the 101st National 4-H Dairy Judging Contest on Sunday, but when the final results were announced, top honors returned to the Midwest
Oct. 3 2023
The first animals to parade across the colored shavings at this year’s World Dairy Expo were led by junior exhibitors participating in the Youth Showmanship Contest
Oct. 3 2023
When the dairy industry meets in Madison, Wis., this week during World Dairy Expo, those gathered will include numerous young people
Oct. 3 2023
Each dairy judging team likely has its own routines, rituals, or good luck charms they bring with them on their trip to Wisconsin to judge on the colored shavings
Oct. 3 2023
Hoards at Expo captures events at World Dairy Expo from Tuesday
Oct. 3 2023
National 4-H Dairy Cattle Judging Contest High Individuals
Oct. 2 2023
For many youth, the culmination of their junior dairy judging career rests on the Intercollegiate Dairy Judging Contest at World Dairy Expo
Oct. 2 2023
Clippers buzzed, hair flew, and animals shone as the Youth Fitting Contest began the events of the 2023 World Dairy Expo on Saturday morning
Oct. 2 2023
Hoards at Expo captures events at World Dairy Expo from the first few days at Expo
Oct. 2 2023
When it came down to the end of the Post-Secondary Dairy Judging Contest on Sunday night, there was little suspense as to who the overall champion would be
Oct. 1 2023
National Collegiate Dairy Judging Contest Winning Teams from World Dairy Expo
Sept. 29 2023
You can expect more consistency from cow to cow with any automation product. But successful implementation is not possible without thoughtful planning, preparation and follow-up
Sept. 29 2023
Considering that about 98% of U.S. farms are family owned, it’s no wonder the fall season on the farm includes lots of kids
Sept. 27 2023
The weather is cooling, the leaves are starting to turn, and football is back. For dairy enthusiasts, that all means two things: corn silage harvest is underway or complete, and World Dairy Expo will be...
Sept. 26 2023
Do you ever have something just click for you? So much of what we do in our lives is really based on our mental perception — what we can grasp in our brains and then practically implicate
Sept. 22 2023
Internships give students a chance to try their hand at a certain job, possibly solidifying what they want to do — or don’t want to do — after graduation
Sept. 22 2023
Hoard's Dairyman is proud to share the stories of World Dairy Expo with dairy enthusiasts from around the globe through our Hoard’s @ Expo blog. We are thankful to partner with Trioliet, our sponso
Sept. 21 2023
In my 27 years — don’t laugh at my naivety — I have concluded that generations always complain about the next generation
Sept. 20 2023
How does the saying go? Something like, “The worst sentence in the English language is ‘That’s the way we’ve always done it’”? Man, if that doesn’t sound like...
Sept. 19 2023
There are types of planning that I just love. Task me with making a meal plan for the week, and I am happy as a clam for thirty minutes or so as I research new recipes and page through old favorites to...