The dairy industry continues to walk a tightrope between dairy product demand and milk supplies.When supplies outpace dairy product demand, the industry experiences low milk prices
“If you look at the federal order pools back in the 1950s, it was about two-thirds to fluid milk and the other one-third being manufacturing,” University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mark Stephenson...
Jim Davenport, a dairy farmer from Ancramdale, N.Y., presents “Clean cows make clean milk.” According to Davenport, “The most important contact surface on the dairy is the teat and the...
“We had 100,000 more cows year-over-year in December. That was the biggest year-over-year advance in some time,” shared Phil Plourd during USDA’s 97th Annual Agricultural Outlook Forum
Having a steady market for your milk was not of much concern to dairy farmers until the growth of the last few years changed how we think about market access
It’s never my intention to screw up, but when I do, I know the situation will be handled in a good-natured way. We try to make light of a bad situation
Anxiety and depression linked to farm stress can help explain why agriculture has one of the highest suicide rates. Learn what to look for, how to address mental health struggles in yourself and others,...
Canada and Japan largely stand alone with supply control systems governing, and at times protecting, their respective dairy industries. Realizing supply controls hinder both internal and external comp
“We kind of laugh. It feels like it’s been Groundhog Day going all the way back to March 2020, since seemingly every few weeks we get some market-moving news."
There has been much talk about the Biden administration’s goal for rural America to play a leading role in combatting climate change, but farmers are still understandably curious and cautious about...