In the cold weather, I wanted to plug in my pickup truck’s block heater, but I didn’t want a plug-in hanging out of the hood, so I made a bracket to screw the plug-in onto the front bumper....
If you had to pick one dominant factor that drove the U.S. dairy economy in 2022, the top candidate would be constrained milk production. It goes without saying that if you had to predict the dominant
Changing economics and shrinking margins on dairy’s home front have been a strong driver in herd demographics throughout the United States. When Hoard’s Dairyman partnered with the American...
About 10% of U.S. dairy cattle were infected with the bovine leukemia virus (BLV) in the 1960s and 1970s. Now, about a third of our nation’s beef cattle and almost half of our dairy cattle are infec
With $6.50 per bushel of corn, corn silage is worth considerably more per ton today relative to five years ago. Using a multiplier of 10 times the value per bushel for corn grain nets a $65 per ton pr
Of the more than 118,000 veterinarians in the U.S., the American Veterinary Medical Association estimated in 2020 that just 5.3% are in food animal practice. That’s compared to 69.7% in companion...
New rules will apply to milk haulers driving on roads in Chippewa County this spring. Part of that plan includes a $100 permit fee for each milk truck. Milk haulers also must attend a mandatory meetin
The collective U.S. dairy industry continues to build relationships around the world. So much so that USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) has predicted that the U.S. will export 469,000 metric
Preserving margins has become the goal of many feed programs in the last several months. Although that’s always been an objective on farms, a heightened focus has fallen on feed ingredient inclusion
From the classic (macaroni and cheese) to the trendy (“pilk”), there are hundreds of different ways consumers can enjoy dairy products. As producers, marketers, and advocates of milk and its...
Credit is the lifeblood of agriculture, described Chad Jorgensen of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago during the Fed’s Midwest Agriculture Conference. That’s why the focus of the event was...
let’s talk agronomy in the Feeding Fundamentals column to start this new year. While an agronomy discussion may seem out of place in a nutrition-focused column, it shouldn’t be. In last June’s...
The historically high price for butter is causing some market tribulations on the cheese pricing front.“There’s another consequence of high butter prices . . . its impact on Class III prices,”...
“Efficiency is where it’s at right now. We’ve got to make sure every dollar invested in feed works for us,” said Steve Martin, a nutritionist who works with dairy farms across the...
This October, dairy product sales continued to grow both at home and abroad. This has taken place despite relatively high retail product prices when compared to historical levels.In the United States
In many ways, the inflationary society we have been living and running our businesses in for more than a year now is a wakeup call. One of the shocks has been the climbing cost of borrowing money as t
“Forward thinking will make the artificial insemination process go smoothly and allow us to retain the fertility inherent in the straws we purchase to generate those pregnant cows and heifers we...