Compared to beef from straight dairy animals, and even in some cases, conventional beef animals, dairy beef crossbred meat has a lot to offer. Breeding in beef traits has helped create meat that is mo
When a cow calves, its body is off to the races going through a number of changes giving birth and then quickly ramping up milk production. And although early lactation is when we will see cows be mos
Corn grown for grain is harvested too late in the fall to establish a cover crop in more northern climates. This uncovered soil presents environmental concerns and is a missed opportunity in terms of
Preventing disease is kind of like balancing a seesaw. On one side is limiting an animal’s exposure to factors that might cause it illness, whether that is sick herdmates or environmental shortfalls
One quick glance is usually all it takes to distinguish the difference between colostrum and milk; the consistency and color of colostrum typically give it away. However, we know that this first secre
The collective dairy industry leapt into action after USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack shared he was open to a proposal to modernize Federal Milk Marketing Orders. In the ensuing 11 months, hundreds of meet
Respiratory disease has consistently been one of the top two causes of both illness and death in preweaned and postweaned dairy calves for decades. Perhaps more than any other calfhood disease, an ani
Coming out of the 2021 growing season, starch levels were up in corn silage despite similar moisture measures when compared to the prior year. In theory, more grain equates to more energy. However, ma
A lot has happened this past year. We continue to see the effects of the pandemic, logistic challenges that hit the global market and were created in part by labor shortages, which spread across
Most would agree that pretty cows are nice to look at, but a recent study showed cows with positive conformation traits appeal to both the eyes and the checkbook.Using nearly 20 years of linear classi
Corn silage harvest is often a waiting game, as farmers carefully watch whole plant moisture in an effort to chop corn at the ideal dry matter level. The general goal is to ensile feed that is at 65%
Genetic improvement has been a highly effective strategy to enhance dairy efficiency and net profitability. Genetic selection is also a key to improve dairy sustainability. Continued genetic emphasis
The question in the title stands before the U.S. Supreme Court.On October 11, 2022, the highest court in the land heard oral arguments in the case National Pork Producers Council v. Ross