While many farms focus on checking that their ventilation systems are effectively working for their animals in the summer, an audit in the winter is also important
As we inch toward the brink of winter, we are often reminded once the first cold temperatures hit of all the tasks we need to accomplish on the farm before the snow flies
An update on cooling and ventilation for dairy cattlepresented by Nigel Cook, MRCVS, University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Veterinary MedicineSponsored by Tunnel PlusNigel Cook, MRCVS, Univer
Natural ventilation is used successfully in many dairy barns, and it has been for years. As our dairy farms grow and as milk production climbs, some may wonder whether natural ventilation will be able...
Headlocks for group feeding provide a different twist in the Holts' "fresh as outdoors" calf barn. Brian and Bob Holt keep a sharp eye on each of the calves in their new tunnel-ventilated calf barn. They...
Sliding doors offer light, ventilation Instead of installing several large windows, the Kremers at Donkelman farms in Tillsonburg, Ontario, installed large sliding glass doors along the perimeter of their...