The struggle is real. Despite living in the hometown of John Deere and being surrounded by acres of corn, my three children are the only farm kids in their school
With a wealth of information about the care and treatment for calves on dairy farms available, it can be easy to forget some of the basics that have the biggest impact on calf health
I place this class of Brown Swiss cows D-B-C-A. For me, D is the most balanced cow in the class and shows the best overall dairy quality among any individual in the class
Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) has accepted 13 requests for export assistance from Dairy Farmers of America, Land O’Lakes, Northwest Dairy Association (Darigold), Tillamook County Cream
While local school boards, Parent Teacher Associations, and most recently the Trump administration weigh in on food served in schools, the dialogue around flavored milk is more multifaceted than in years...
I was sitting in the doctor’s office — something I did way too much these past couple months — reading a magazine. A story about preventing cancer caught my eye
With the rising cost of labor and the declining number of people willing to work on dairies, Viterbo University’s Tom Thibodeau suggested farmers need to embrace a culture of caring on the farm