Growing prospect of another recession threatens exports and farm milk prices. Despite big dips in the stock market this week, the U.S. economy remains in fabulous shape. Except that's in comparison to...
The board of directors of California's largest dairy producer lobbying and advocacy organization has dismissed its Chief Executive Officer. The surprise move on December 19 by Western United Dairymen (WUD),...
Today's dairy producers use the lactation curve to schedule milk harvest from a cow. Her milk production level dictates ration changes, housing group and may push up or move back her dry-off date
The Spaghetti Western film - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - had a complex plot where three cowboys form an uneasy alliance to find hidden gold. Of course, good triumphs over bad . . . and good eventually...
by Corey Geiger, Managing Editor Chicken. Chicken. Chicken. Those competing against this animal protein know full well that chicken strategists have mastered a list of consumer must have's in today's fast-paced...
High milk prices in late 2013 and early 2014 fueled a boom in cow numbers and production in New Zealand that now has Kiwi dairy owners pushed to the edge of a financial cliff in 2015. Falling currency...
If you haven't signed up for the new dairy Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy) yet, there's still time. The application deadline has been extended to Friday, December 19, 2014. This is the second extension...
Producer seminars are an early part of a five-year, $3 million grant from USDA. by Dennis Halladay, Hoard's Dairyman Western Editor The best description of genomics I have ever heard came this week from...
On Tuesday, December 2, genetic evaluations for cows and bulls will be released to the entire industry. While some shifting in predicted transmitting abilities (PTA) and indexes occurs at each run, this...
While the nation's economy continues its recovery from the Great Recession of 2007 to 2009, rural America seems to be falling behind. In terms of employment, urban areas have seen moderate growth over...
In the movie "Patton," there is a famous opening scene where the accomplished four-star general, played by George C. Scott, is pacing in front of an enormous American flag. He delivers a blistering, motivational...
I'm not typically an early Christmas shopper, but in the more recent years I've learned to pay closer attention to what my dad needs when we are fixing something, milking the cows or working around the...
Automatic feeders and group housing are very trendy topics in calf raising today, and for good reason. The opportunity to feed more milk and provide social interaction appears to deliver great benefits...
Spencer County FFA wins 5th National FFA Dairy Judging title in 10 years. When you say you've won the National FFA Dairy Judging Contest, you have done more than just judged cows. The two-day contest encompasses...
The next round of genetic evaluations is scheduled to be released December 2. These evaluations will involve a great deal more than just typical proofs, as there will be a base change and updates to $CM...
Rather than waiting for monthly results, preliminary genomic evaluations will be available to producers on a weekly basis starting November 11. "The rate in which we are collecting new genotypes has really...
Limited pen space on-farm often ties our hands when we attempt to develop a grouping strategy. The options, such as separating cows based on stage of lactation, reproductive status or body condition, are...
Another genetic base change is just around the corner. While a base change is nothing new (genetic bases were updated previously in 1965, 1974, 1984, 1989, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010), the one that will...
"It's a no brainer," remarked Matt Nuckols, a registered Holstein breeder from Virginia and a panelist at the genomics seminar. Extra cattle value and the ability to make more informed herd decisions are...
Youth showcase their cattle presentation skills. It was an amazing sight . . . hundreds of youth stayed late into the night on Thursday to compete in World Dairy Expo's showmanship contest. Youth were...