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Sept. 11 2023
The need for more and higher value crops, as well as developmental pressure, has pushed agricultural land values to record high levels. That’s true for farm real estate, cropland, and pastureland
Sept. 11 2023
For decades, fluid milk sales in the United States were over 50 billion pounds annually. Sales dropped below that level in 2015 and have continued to track lower the eight years since then
Sept. 11 2023
There are several reasons why fall is my favorite time of the year. Dropping temperatures, cooler mornings, turning leaves, and perhaps most importantly, football. To be sure, the September games can feel...
Sept. 10 2023
Dairy news from the U.S. capital as of September 10, 2023
Sept. 10 2023
Domestic and international dairy product future prices offer a slight glimmer of hope as we march toward fall
Sept. 7 2023
Milk and dairy foods will soon be on the table for families who need them most in California’s Central Valley due to a grant from the Legacy Health Endowment
Sept. 7 2023
Historically, corn silage contracts have been based on a standard corn grain equivalent. This year, however, has atypical values of corn silage in fields compared to years past
Sept. 7 2023
Dairy farmers, and particularly Holstein breeders, have become familiar with recessive genes and haplotype conditions in recent decades
Sept. 7 2023
Headlines featuring broken records for the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program are beginning to sound like, well, a broken record, but unfortunately, that is the reality as the July income-over-feed cost...
Sept. 7 2023
NUEVA, 2ª EDICIÓN: Muy ampliada, esta valiosa guía incluye las enfermedades infecciosas y no infecciosas, ahora en dos capítulos. El diagnóstico de cojeras de becerras...
Sept. 6 2023
In 2021, rains came on time and in the right quantities, and the corn made some of the best yields we’ve seen. But as we all know, there’s many a slip ‘twixt the cup and lip — or...
Sept. 6 2023
It’s harvest time — or soon will be — for corn silage in many dairy areas
Sept. 4 2023
Calf caretakers know how quickly a calf can go from healthy to quite sick when challenged with scours. Decisions made at the first signs of illness can make a big difference in how quickly a calf recovers
Allen-cultured butter web3
Sept. 4 2023
One of dairy’s best attributes as a food category is that milk’s versatility means there is a dairy product that can fit almost any cooking, baking, or eating need. For even more variety, the...
Sept. 4 2023
“This harvest for silage is going to be different, but let’s embrace the opportunity at hand and manage what we can,” said John Goeser during the August Hoard’s Dairyman webinar....
Sept. 4 2023
Milk prices are finally on the rise, and some of that is thanks to what’s going on in beef markets. The USDA Cattle report that is released in January and July each year provides a snapshot of...
Aug. 31 2023
My social media news feeds are about 20% updates from family and friends, 20% communication with other veterinarians about cases and practice, 40% a waste of time with someone trying to sell me something...
Aug. 31 2023
The concentration of neutral detergent fiber, hereafter referred to as fiber or NDF, is the major determinant of the digestibility and energy concentration of a feed
Aug. 31 2023
For dairy and many other food categories, a lot of attention is placed on the needs and wants of Generation Z, or Gen Z. This group of young people born between the late 1990s and the early 2010s represents...