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Jan. 21 2019
They say that past performance is the best indicator of future results
Jan. 7 2019
I admit it. I am a dairy bowl junkie. I love watching the competition. It could be youth or adults pressing the buzzers; it does not matter
Dec. 10 2018
I was watching Miracle, the movie about the 1980 Olympic hockey team, and I thought a few of the coaching strategies used by Herb Brooks might be helpful when working with youth in their competitions
12_2018_Dr Dave poem
Dec. 7 2018
David Dickson, known to many as Dr. Dave, was a longtime professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and well-respected dairy judging coach
Nov. 9 2018
Have you ever wanted to talk directly with other farmers and National Dairy Checkoff staff about dairy promotion but didn't know where to go? Well, now there's an easy way to do it
Oct. 24 2018
I understand that there is a time to be professional and a time to be relaxed
Oct. 17 2018
It’s not that I don’t have enough to do already. Yet for some reason, when I get asked to talk to a group of preschoolers about dairy, I always say yes!
Oct. 9 2018
I took this picture a couple of weeks before school started because I wanted to remember moments like these with my littlest helper
Sept. 30 2018
The National Post-Secondary Dairy Cattle Judging Contest began in 1989 and has been held continuously at World Dairy Expo ever since
Sept. 24 2018
National Farmer’s Day is October 12, and it’s a chance for us in agriculture to connect with our dairy-loving consumers and showcase real life on the farm through our social media channels
Clayton Van Hooser
Sept. 5 2018
Meet Clayton. He is a healthy, rambunctious, bright-eyed boy with a smile that could melt the coldest of hearts
Aug. 30 2018
A dear friend of mine once told me that anyone who could afford to take a couple weeks away from their work really must not be needed at their job
Aug. 28 2018
As dairy producers, industry members, and associates, we all know about the benefits of milk
Aug. 21 2018
A big part of my husband’s and my decision to come back to the farm was based on the way we wanted to raise our family. There really is no comparison to the values and lessons that this way of life...
Aug. 2 2018
It’s been a summer where we have found ourselves short on help with a never-ending to-do list
July 17 2018
Before I state anything else, let me be clear; this is not a post about small farms versus large farms
July 6 2018
Growing up I always enjoyed the time spent off the farm when my siblings and I would go to local and national dairy shows
July 5 2018
I spent many hours last week on a bus while attending the National Jersey Convention. Driving through the curving roads of Wooster County, Ohio, to check out Amish Country, farmland, and stopping at several...
June 28 2018
As our family travels down the path of robotic milking, we continue to learn lessons that I will pass on to you
June 18 2018
Well-respected hoof care specialist, Karl Burgi, presented the June webinar, “Supervise hoof health with a ‘No lameness tolerance policy.’”