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Oct. 24 2018
I understand that there is a time to be professional and a time to be relaxed
Oct. 23 2018
You can find some pretty neat things by going through the archives of Hoard’s Dairyman
Oct. 22 2018
As an industry we are always looking for more ways to excite and entice the next generation to be involved in the dairy industry. 4-H and FFA programs are a base of education and exposure. The next step...
Oct. 18 2018
I am sure most of you know that women are starting to take on more responsibility in the agricultural industry. Back in the 1940s and 1950s, you would see a lot of husbands running the farms while the...
Oct. 17 2018
It’s not that I don’t have enough to do already. Yet for some reason, when I get asked to talk to a group of preschoolers about dairy, I always say yes!
Darleens farm
Oct. 16 2018
My husband and I live a very unique lifestyle that allows us to include our children in our work
Oct. 11 2018
You were my life cheerleader, and I'm so thankful for that. I wish you could see your grandchildren now
Oct. 9 2018
I took this picture a couple of weeks before school started because I wanted to remember moments like these with my littlest helper
HAE_book signings
Oct. 3 2018
At Hoard’s Dairyman, we are extremely lucky to work with talented professionals from across the entire spectrum of our dairy community
Family Lounge Top
Oct. 3 2018
World Dairy Expo is a family-friendly event, but anyone with young children knows that taking a trip anywhere requires extra planning, both prior to the activity and once you get there
Sept. 27 2018
I recently just finished a 5K (5 kilometer) race held in conjunction with the Quad Cities Marathon
Peters Photos (1)
Sept. 26 2018
Being a young farmer has never been easy. We go through the same struggles as our parents when they started out
WDE book features_books
Sept. 25 2018
Similar to the Hoard’s Dairyman magazine, the Hoard’s Dairyman bookstore aims to serve as a reliable source of information and education for any and all involved in the dairy industry
Sept. 24 2018
National Farmer’s Day is October 12, and it’s a chance for us in agriculture to connect with our dairy-loving consumers and showcase real life on the farm through our social media channels
Sept. 21 2018
This is my last year as an ag communications and journalism student at Utah State University, and being an ag student has its perks and setbacks
Sept. 18 2018
There’s only ever 24 hours in a day, but my goodness how nice it would be to add a few more hours on those days when we need them!
Sept. 14 2018
The most valuable internships leave college students with job experience, mentorship, and life lessons by the end of the summer
Sept. 13 2018
A little over a year ago, two people close to my heart were being prepped for surgery. I made my way west to be a part of the Davidson cheer squad
Sept. 7 2018
Have you heard of the four-legged milk stool? A popular analogy among author Gary Sipiorki’s talks and Money Matters column articles, he makes the argument that financial awareness is as critical...
Griswold family
Sept. 3 2018
Last week, the cattle trailer came home from state fair for the very last time as the Griswold family completed their final 4-H event