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Dec. 31 2012
Late December is traditionally the time of year when Americans spend time with their families. Not so if you are a congressional staffer, an elected national official . . . or even a dairy farmer
Dec. 20 2012
It's a study that is cited in almost every issue of Hoard's Dairyman. Those who author herd health, milk quality and facilities-related articles frequently use the NAHMS Dairy 2007 study as a reference
Dec. 19 2012
It's everywhere. "It" is the news that the fiscal cliff may double milk prices
Dec. 17 2012
History is constantly evolving, so the records of the past are in continual motion. National Dairy Shrine is working on renovations to the Joe P. Eves Library and displays surrounding it. During World...
Dec. 5 2012
The Peterson Farm Brothers, beef and crop farmers in Kansas, are back with a video to promote agriculture. You may remember their first video, "I'm Farming and I grow It." That video went viral with over...
Dec. 4 2012
What are children in schools being taught about agriculture? The number of teachers with agriculture backgrounds continues to decline. And, teaching about a topic that is not familiar to an instructor...
Nov. 29 2012
When push comes to shove, U.S. consumers are more willing to give up milk as prices rise than any other beverage on the market, noted Mike North a senior hedge consultant with First Capitol Ag, at the...
Nov. 27 2012
Youth competition stimulates learning. A concept brought to 4-H dairy youth by Maryland extension agent, John Morris, in 1980 has turned into a widely accepted youth activity. Dairy Bowl began in the 4-H...
Nov. 22 2012
There are three simple truths when it comes to the milk market, noted Mike North, a senior hedge consultant with First Capitol Ag, at the ABA National Agricultural Bankers Conference
Nov. 21 2012
The U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance is looking for the new face of farming and ranching. Two dairy producers are amongst the finalists. Deciding who agriculture's spokespersons should be is not a debate....
Nov. 15 2012
Seven steps that allow you to establish an effective mastitis control program. Over time, somatic cell count (SCC) levels on dairies in the U.S. have gradually dropped. With time though, it is likely that...
Nov. 14 2012
Congressman-elect David Valadao is a partner in his family's 1,700-cow dairy operation. by Lucas Sjostrom, Hoard's Dairyman Associate Editor Agriculture has some friends in Washington, D.C. But it has...
Nov. 7 2012
As you'll read in our November 2012 issue's Dairygrams section, National Milk Producers Federation CEO Jerry Kozak predicted a farm bill passing during the November lame duck session
Nov. 6 2012
Written exam top scores: Trent Dado (2nd) and Cody Getschel (1st) The Invitational 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl was the first major youth contest to be held at the 39th Annual North American International Livestock...
Nov. 5 2012
Winning the All American Jersey Show at the North American International Livestock Show was Cascadia Iatola Puzzle owned by Gene Iager who lives in Maryland. Puzzle also won the show's best udder award
Nov. 5 2012
There were 45 teams that competed in three dairy judging contests held on November 4, 2012, at the North American International Livestock Show in Louisville, Ky
Oct. 31 2012
Wisconsin still leads in dairy farms and cheese, but gave the milk production title to California in 1993, nearly 20 years ago. What will the next few years bring? Change is inevitable. It's a fact of...
Oct. 30 2012
Securing Dairy's Future, the joint annual meeting of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board, the National Milk Producers' Federation (NMPF) and the United Dairy Industry Association, kicked off...
Oct. 26 2012
Everyone dies eventually. But when a milk producer passes away it can also mean the end of the dairy, its jobs and family traditions unless some fairly straightforward legal planning has been done to prevent...
Oct. 23 2012
A sea of blue corduroy will flood Indianapolis, Ind., in the next few days. High school agricultural students will descend on the 85th annual National FFA Convention on October 24 to October 27, 2012....