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June 16 2020
Two months. It’s been just over two months since I made the bold step of quitting my full-time, steady, and equally rewarding job as a youth 4-H educator (which I loved, by the way)
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May 11 2020
“Remember that a cow is a mother, and her calf is a baby.” — W.D. Hoard
April 21 2020
In my previous blog, I wrote about how animal rights activist groups are attempting to sway farmers to their side by offering resources to switch from dairy to growing crops that can be used to make plant-based...
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March 24 2020
The world has changed a lot in the last week and a half, and maybe one of the only silver linings in this situation is that we’re realizing the difference between what we need in order to survive...
Jan. 29 2020
I want to start this by saying that I am not a licensed professional. I am just a farmer who knows how it feels to be at the end of your rope with what seems like no way to crawl back from the darkness
Oct. 30 2019
In a meeting, I was asked what my main focus on the farm was, and I had to pause for a second to think about it
Calf Care_cover_2019
Oct. 11 2019
Young calves are the most fragile asset a dairy producer has. We know that a calf’s value later in life as a profitable milk cow is largely impacted by her early development, but maintaining a successful...
Oct. 10 2019
Living in the mid-section of the country comes with the ease of traveling to World Dairy Expo. For nearly two decades, I have made my way to Madison, Wis., during the first week of October...
Oct. 8 2019
I am an engineer. I believe in the power of technology and automation. Agriculture is certainly reaping the benefits of recent inventions and innovations
July 30 2019
820 million. That’s the number of people in the world that remained food insecure in 2018
May 24 2019
The rain has started falling again, and I am once again staring out the window wondering when and if it will stop
March 21 2019
We finally placed two robots in our new main robot barn this week. A little over two years ago at the Western Dairy Management Conference, I was sitting at a table talking to two dairymen from Wisconsin
Jan. 21 2019
They say that past performance is the best indicator of future results
sick cows
Nov. 29 2018
Every once in a blue moon we have a cold, sickness, or milk production drop from a feed change hit our herd. If you’re a dairyman, I am quite sure you have dealt with these things before
Nov. 19 2018
“What’s it worth to me?” That is a common question asked when making any high-value purchase
Nov. 9 2018
Have you ever wanted to talk directly with other farmers and National Dairy Checkoff staff about dairy promotion but didn't know where to go? Well, now there's an easy way to do it
Nov. 8 2018
After saving up money from bottle-feeding calves, bedding down calf hutches, and cleaning out our garage, our youngest son, Jacob, came up with enough money for a down payment to purchase his first heifer
Personal blog
Nov. 7 2018
I’ve always been the person who wants to compare herself to others. I can’t help it
Oct. 15 2018
While not a devastating year for growing crops, it certainly was not ideal. Weather, milk prices, and export bureaucracy have left many feeling a bit underwhelmed
Aug. 27 2018
Remember when everyone used to tell you that having a farm blog was a priority — before social media was all the rage? Are farm websites and blogs worth the time to build today?