Welcome to Hoard's @ Expo! The staff at Hoard's Dairyman has prepared this section just for youwith pre-show stories, schedules, history, photos and our Hoard's @ Expo blog. We'll be posting new content...
Slowly, but surely, modest profitability is returning for U.S. dairy producers. Even so, few are relaxing just yet. Both of the major financial barometers they watch – Class III milk and 40-pound...
Recently released dairy product consumption figures for 2009 are encouraging. Looking at consumption on a per-person or per-capita basis always is informative, because that accounts for changes in the...
The dairy industry has a lot of catching up to do in the snack world. Dairy products accounted for less than 3 percent of the $93.5 billion dollars spent on snack foods in 2009. Snacking: Identifying a...
They don't wear capes or have super powers, but little brown cows are helping save the world. Seriously. Here's how the dots are connected: • People around the world like cheese, and they like it...
The annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association is currently underway in Denver, Colo. The event is home to presentations on the very latest in dairy research - we've seen research presented...
One of the foremost authorities on dairy cattle judging passed away Friday, July 9, in Madison, Wis., after a courageous battle against cancer. During his distinguished career, David Dickson judged more...
Okay, so the title may sound like a bit of a second grade playground dare. But, we do want you to take this as a challenge. Dairy Management, Inc. (check-off organization) along with its social media guide...
Tom Lawlor, Holstein USA's geneticist, spoke before a near capacity crowd at the 125th gathering of the nation's Holstein breeders. Based on the crowd size, it was clear breeders still have many questions...
Bloomington, Minn., is the site of this year's National Holstein Convention. Excellent weather welcomed Holstein breeders and juniors from across the country. Sunday's host day tours featured visits to...
Known for their component-rich milk, Jersey cows have long been known as the cheese queens. On June 11, the World Jersey Cattle Bureau hosted the second-ever World Jersey Cheese Awards at the breed's namesake...
Dairy youth from Wisconsin, Illinois, and Texas came to Madison, Wis., for the 13th annual Badger Dairy Camp this June 14 to 16. The three-day camp is open to youth ages 12 to 18 years old are able to...
Yesterday, the National Milk Producers federation board of directors approved a recently formulated proposal that will request a major overhaul of U.S. dairy policy. The group's goal is to better protect...
The National Dairy Shrine (NDS) recently announced the winners of the 2009 Graduate Dairy Production, Progressive Dairy Producer, Pioneer, Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder, and Guest of Honor awards....
Now that the tax filing season is complete, farm accounting reports are beginning to be compiled and distributed to the dairy world. Those reports only quantify what we already know, 2009's losses were...
A growing A.I. trend is literally changing the look of the U.S. dairy industry: Herds are becoming more colorful. Black and white still dominates the landscape, but a gradual shift toward color is clearly...
Last week we reported the recent jump in sales for pizza giant Domino's after launching its new recipe for pizza which coincidentally (or not so coincidentally) included 50 percent more cheese. Jim Montel,...
Stray voltage by its very name and nature is a difficult entity to trace. And when it is suspected of causing harm on a dairy, it can be a testy condition to eliminate. Such was the case at Bollant Farms...
America's top dairy county was host to 30 teams from Universities across North America last week at the annual North American Intercollegiate Dairy Challenge. In the end it was the home-field advantage...
The National Dairy Shrine is again looking for applications for its annual awarding of scholarships. Applications must be completed by May 1, 2010. Official scholarship application award forms are available...