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Aug. 23 2019
Nestled in Gallia County, Ohio, is a 25- to 30-cow dairy and home to Nick and Celeste Nolan
Aug. 21 2019
I was recently asked a question that I had not been asked before, and I had to think about it for a second
Aug. 20 2019
The same question has been raised time and again in conversations about the future of the dairy industry
Aug. 15 2019
Earlier this summer, I was on a search to find the right clipper blades. This challenge reminded me once again that the dairy business has changed, and that holds true in the showing world, too
Aug. 14 2019
Ah, fair week. As a farm kid, fair week has always been one of my favorite weeks of the year
Aug. 13 2019
One of my goals in writing these blogs is to bridge a gap that I have perceived between the farming side of dairy and the processing side
Aug. 7 2019
Let me tell you a story you may have not heard before. Many moons ago, there was but a few drinks to pick from on store shelves
Aug. 6 2019
Today, my family will lay my grandfather to rest. In his casket, we’ll place a bottle of whiskey for his safe keeping into eternity
Aug. 5 2019
The auction yard has long been a gathering place for those in production agriculture. Other than an obvious location to sell their livestock, it served as a meeting place for farmers
Aug. 1 2019
This summer our stress level has been heightened. From late planting to shortage of labor to a barn fire — we are undoubtedly overwhelmed and tense
July 29 2019
The most important part of generating lots of views on YouTube is the content. Bad content or content that doesn't resonate with the YouTube audience will never work
ccc screen shot
July 24 2019
A few months ago, I caught wind of a new group being formed — the California Cattle Council — and I was not amused
July 23 2019
sat in rush hour traffic in Oregon’s biggest city, Portland, the other day. It’s something I avoid at all costs, but then again, I try to avoid driving to the big city for anything
July 22 2019
Last month over 30 4-H, FFA, and post-secondary students from the United States traveled to Scotland as part of the International Dairy Judging Tour
July 18 2019
It’s a day that we will never forget. At a quarter past one in the morning, my husband got a call from his mother, and she was screaming "Fire!"
July 17 2019
I get that not everyone wants to put themselves or their farm out there on social media for the world to see. It’s a lot. You have to be pretty strong to withstand all of the criticism and anonymous...
July 9 2019
There are times where I know we all struggle with parenting as dairy farmers. Finding a balance between work and family time is basically impossible
July 5 2019
We began planting corn on the third of June, nearly six weeks later than we originally planned
July 3 2019
For those of you with kids, or the awesome randos who just appreciate a good Disney movie; yes, the idea for this blog came to me while I was watching Moana
July 2 2019
The internet is saturated with articles about time, money, and happiness. Throw in additional hot topics like health and fitness, and you’ve covered the “how-to” gamut