Sept. 10 2021
Feed efficiency has become a common measurement reported in research journals. Not only is it an economic measure on dairy farms, but it has become part of our genetic base in selecting bull semen
Sept. 2 2021
It’s no secret cannibals are lurking in your cornfields, looking to rob you of the silage tonnage and quality you expect from the crop
July 12 2021
Detection of hyperketonemia, more commonly referred to as subclinical and clinical ketosis, has progressed greatly in the last decade
June 14 2021
During the Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, University of Illinois’ Phil Cardosa addressed heat stress and the role nutrition can play in keeping cows productive during hot...
June 10 2021
When purchasing a new truck, you recognize that different trim levels, accessories, and engine displacements are factors that contribute to the vehicle’s value
March 15 2021
As I contemplated this review of forage dietary cation-anion difference (DCAD), I was taken back 40 years to a time when I had recently stepped into the arena of dairy nutrition
March 1 2021
When it comes to the topic of on-farm premixes, most dairy owners and managers have strong feelings one way or the other
Feb. 15 2021
Expectations for feed markets have changed rapidly. Since the August World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) report projected corn ending stocks for the 2020-2021 crop year at 2.76 billion...
Dec. 24 2020
Feed is a major expense on any dairy farm, so it is critical to select ingredients for the ration that make nutritional and financial sense
Oct. 15 2020
Fiber digestibility data has been provided by feed labs to the industry for over 20 years. Engaging the technology has been an evolving process
April 20 2020
In many parts of the U.S., small grain forages will soon be harvested or may already be fermenting in storage structures for feeding
Feb. 10 2020
Over the last 10 years, the fat component of milk has been a key driver of milk price. The construction of the ration can have a significant impact on milkfat percentage and milk yield
Dec. 16 2019
Since corn silage makes up a considerable amount of many dairy rations, interpreting its make up is one of the more critical tasks of a feeding team
Oct. 21 2019
Cool weather and the first freeze occurred in many Northern states in the last few weeks
Sept. 2 2019
Despite a dismal corn planting season for the majority of the country, dairy producers could breathe a bit easier about previously projected shortages raising feed prices
July 22 2019
We’ve fielded numerous support requests centering on managing through an unprecedented wet spring and summer from the High Plains through the Northeast
March 10 2019
It’s not only the financial statements of many dairies that seem to be on life support this winter and in need of intervention
Feb. 8 2019
I am about to head off to my Collegiate Regional Dairy Challenge competition and thought I would brush up on my understanding of manure
Feb. 4 2019
Mycotoxins are a buzzword again this winter, following what seems to be a cyclical trend that features a wet harvest every few years