Corn silage is a central part of rations on dairy farms and running out of the staple ingredient is a scary thought. It’s also a valuable asset that, though digestibility improves with fermentation
While rising milk component levels have many contributing factors, it appears this year’s corn silage will likely help producers further optimize fat and protein in milk
When considering the assets you have invested in your dairy operation, the first things that probably come to mind are your barns, buildings, equipment, and animals
“In my nearly 10 years with Rock River Laboratory, I can’t recall a crop shaping out like the one we’re likely going to be seeing, if not already feeding,” shared John Goeser
The starch content of corn silage is a key driver of quality and impacts the opportunity to build a cost-effective ration to drive high milk production
Picture movie-goers walking into a theater. Those people entering the theater were initially expecting to see a documentary film, but instead, an action movie begins, with surprises
“With every bite they take . . . every mouthful, there’s good quality forage going into that animal for good animal performance,” said Jerry Clark during the Focus on Forage webinar “Managing...
“The first impression we have about the 2020 corn silage is that it looks like a very good crop,” said Dr. Luiz Ferrareto, ruminant nutrition specialist with University of Wisconsin-Madison...
Now that silage harvest is finished in Iowa, it’s time to evaluate the corn and alfalfa quality in terms of digestibility, what it means for milk production, and even a comparison to past crop year...
Corn silage is on the top of the mind for many dairy farmers right now. As such, three farmers shared what they’ve learned as they work to produce the best corn silage they can
Although there is risk of hot weather and the potential for drought across some parts of the country in July, this year’s corn crop is looking markedly better than last year
Alfalfa production in the Upper Midwest the last several years has been incredibly difficult. In the fields, winterkill and wet soils frustrated harvests and left fields in poor condition. Part of two...