June 7 2021
From my standpoint, this is the most onerous initiative that has ever come to light. When it comes to livestock agriculture, it is going for the jugular
June 2 2021
Advocating for agriculture online means connecting with those you’re trying to reach
April 23 2021
Each year that I’ve been an undergraduate student at Cornell, my Sigma Alpha chapter has put on an event that we like to call “The Art of Agriculture.”
April 8 2021
An online conversation over a controversial Burger King commercial turned into so much more and put agriculture in a more positive light
March 31 2021
TikTok has become a unique platform to teach consumers about dairy farming in a fun way
March 23 2021
Sustainability is a priority for today’s consumers – let’s make sure they know that farmers are already good stewards of the land
March 22 2021
Popular ag promoter Dairy Carrie offers advice on how to become a sponsored advocate
March 9 2021
Sharing our thoughts and realities helps us build trust and connections, even when it’s difficult
Aug. 13 2020
After five difficult years, dairy farmers are once again facing uncertainty in the marketplace
May 26 2020
How many times have we all heard as dairy farmers that we should all be online sharing our stories? It seems we get encouragement from every angle and every industry ally
May 22 2020
June is coming . . . did you read that ominously, like from Game of Thrones? You should have because June is almost here, and it’s looking like it’s going to be a battle. Online, at least
March 11 2020
What’s an influencer? In marketing, it’s an individual who has the power to impact others’ thoughts or purchases. In agriculture, I’ve heard it described as an advocate, AGvocate,...
Aug. 1 2019
Certainly, everyone close to the dairy industry has recently become aware of the latest release of undercover videos obtained by ARM (Animal Recovery Mission)
March 2 2018
Holstein USA’s Holstein America series showcases the passion dairy farmers have for their Holstein cattle
Feb. 22 2018
You never know when you will have a chance to spread dairy’s positive message. We need to let the consumer meet their farmer
Feb. 6 2018
A legislative tour can shed light on farm issues for members of the legislature
Feb. 2 2018
I was watching the Land O’Lakes Farm Bowl via the internet yesterday to see how the professional football players and farmers fared in this obstacle course
Jan. 25 2018
We have to step up together, innovate, and share our message. It is time for dairy farmers to “Face Everything and Rise”
Jan. 22 2018
Animal activist groups aren’t just out to stop large farms; they want to put an end to all animal agriculture
Jan. 18 2018
The internet has joined the agriculture industry together