While the world changes, dairy cattle diets are also evolving for many. Several dairies have considered, or are actively, feeding unpasteurized milk back to the herd to avoid wasting a nutritious product
The 2019 American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) Annual Meeting was held in Cincinnati, Ohio, in June. Over 1,800 attendees from more than 60 countries participated
“If you can feed B vitamins at an economical price, do it!” encouraged Mike Hutjens. That was one of the messages viewers received as the University of Illinois nutrition icon
University of Illinois’ Mike Hutjens will present “An update on Feed Additives with a B Vitamin Focus” on Monday, April 13, at noon (Central time). The discussion will include economic considerations,...
Researchers have demonstrated that controlling energy intake prepartum, specifically by targeting nutrient consumption to maintain a consistent body condition, may reduce the subsequent risk of ketosis
As farms across the country are faced with the reality of dumping milk and reducing production, some are looking to their rations to absorb the extra pounds of production
The cropping enterprise is an integral component to the success of the dairy enterprise and the whole farm in generating profit. Purchased feed costs are usually monitored regularly by producers
By nature, dairy farmers sell milk. Consequently, though, we also sell beef — whether that’s in the form of bull calves, culled cows, raised steers, or other animals
Children go to school to learn, grow their minds, and develop important life skills. For millions of American children, school also is a place for nourishment and an opportunity to receive vital nutrition,...
When filling out an application for a state driver’s license renewal and REAL ID, an applicant needs to ensure that each of the spots on the application are completed
During the December Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, Bill Weiss from The Ohio State University about ration management during the transition period in “Feeding cows to reach their peak.”
A new year is right around the corner, which means it is resolution season. Many consumers will be thinking about new health and fitness goals and looking for information on how they can meet them
Early childhood is a key time to establish eating patterns, but with so many options, it can be confusing to know which drinks are healthy and which to avoid
A feed and forage outlookpresented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinois and Mike Rankin, Hay & Forage GrowerSponsored by Kuhn Mike Hutjens and Mike Rankin, forage feeding specialists
As new technologies emerge, milking cows robotically continues to gain interest and adoption, but there’s a gap between research and farm level application