June 21 2021
Cooperatives Working Together (CWT) member cooperatives accepted 21 offers of export assistance from CWT that helped them capture sales contracts for 2.6 million pounds (1,189 metric tons) of Cheddar
June 10 2021
Back in 1998, the U.S. dairy industry, and in particular dairy farmers, created a new vision for their future. Prior to that point, “trade” was mostly a dirty word in dairy circles
June 10 2021
Krysta Harden’s work ethic matches that of any U.S. dairy farmer. As a daughter of multigeneration Georgia peanut farmers, Harden knows the value of a full day’s work on the family farm
May 31 2021
Dry whey prices are at their highest levels since late 2014 and they are adding about $2.74 to the price of Class III milk
May 10 2021
Despite all the challenges facing dairy last year, 2020 was a good year for U.S. dairy exports. And there’s reason for continued growth now and in the future
Jan. 28 2021
“We kind of laugh. It feels like it’s been Groundhog Day going all the way back to March 2020, since seemingly every few weeks we get some market-moving news."
Jan. 4 2021
Many aspects of 2020 were complicated, and trade with China was certainly one of them. While trade wars and tariffs made headlines, one fact remained constant: China is a valuable trading partner for the...
Dec. 17 2020
As 2021 approaches, dairy farmers, processors, and customers attempt to estimate what the year could bring for dairy
Nov. 15 2020
What am I most proud about in 2020? That was the question posed by Lucas Lentsch to dairy farm leaders of the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF), Dairy Management Inc. (DMI), and USDEC
Oct. 19 2020
From a business standpoint, the U.S. Dairy Export Council’s decision to open its U.S. Center for Dairy Excellence this October in Singapore . . . in the heart of Southeast Asia . . . just may be...
Oct. 15 2020
“This has been the issue that is the toughest to navigate in trying to develop a global brand,” said Sartori Cheese CEO Jeff Schwager on the October 7 Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream
Oct. 12 2020
The European Union’s (EU) use of geographical indications (GIs) to monopolize the cheese market is founded on the belief that European cheeses are of a higher quality than those made elsewhere, including...
Oct. 12 2020
Just how much U.S. milk goes into U.S. dairy exports? A few readers posed that question after reading the October 10, 2020, Editorial Comment "Should we cull all the cows in Wisconsin?"
Oct. 8 2020
Geographical indicators (GIs) have been a hot topic in the last several years as countries make trade agreements across the globe
Oct. 8 2020
What’s in a name? That’s the battle U.S. and European cheesemakers have been fighting for the last three decades
Sept. 21 2020
Global import demand was much stronger than expected in the second quarter of this year, and that extended into July with imports up an estimated 6.4% from last year
Aug. 24 2020
Post-lockdown dairy demand is both fantastic and terrible. It is hard to make sense out of all the individual data points
July 27 2020
The U.S. is the world’s third largest exporter of dairy products, but the federal order system may not be giving American farmers much competitive advantage to improve the demand of those exports,...
July 23 2020
The last five years have caused Class VII to become a well-recognized term in the United States
June 11 2020
The past several months have demonstrated our strength when we work together. They have also underscored the global connectivity that defines modern life