In December, dairy cattle sustainability will add a genetic tool with the introduction of the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding’s (CDCB) Feed Saved trait in Holstein sire evaluations
The August 2020 Hoard’s Dairyman Bull List can be downloaded. The list includes the top bulls for Holsteins, Jerseys, Brown Swiss, Red and Whites, Guernsey, Ayrshire, and Milking Shorthorns
There are two methods that could help generate genetic evaluations for lifetime economic merit. We could directly determine economic merit by tracking income and expenses for all cows. Keeping track of...
Genetic evaluations for calving ease will appear significantly different on August 11, the Council for Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB) and partner organizations have announced
If there are any skeptics that do not believe in the power of genetic selection, then they have been ignoring the facts. The magical history of genetic selection has translated into more milk per cow
THe COLLECTIVE dairy world should be shouting acclamations from the mountaintops. We’ve made enormous strides in production per cow and that’s helped us double down on our efforts to reduce
Most breeders have some sense that our current dairy cattle population has undergone a bottleneck due to intensive selection for yield and conformation
It’s been 10 years since genomic testing was introduced to the dairy industry. This valuable tool has provided breeders across the globe the opportunity for much faster genetic progress