During the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, businesses and consumers are looking for convenient ways to show their appreciation to clients, friends, and family
As other countries have put new rules and regulations into place regarding calf transport, the question is not why, but when could the U.S. add such transportation guidelines
U.S. whey prices have been rising, with dry whey on the CME spot market breaking above 70 cents per pound ($1,540 per metric ton) in early December and whey protein isolate (WPI) now at record high prices...
A 2023 study found the prevalence of lameness in dairy cattle to be 23%. It’s understandable, then, that hoof health and regular trimming have been incorporated as a consistent part of animal care...
Adding up to be the nation’s third most value crop as an $8.7 billion industry per year, alfalfa is a common sight on many dairies because of its nutrient profile
Patti J. Hurtgen joined the Hoard's Dairyman staff in December of 2009. In her position as Online Media Manager she is responsible for maintenance and updating of the hoards.com website, managing the Hoard's...
USDA last week announced the release of its National Milk Testing Strategy (NMTS) requiring raw milk samples to be collected and shared with USDA for testing and surveillance of Highly Pathogenic Avian...
CowManager, the proven ear sensor monitoring system with more than 10 years of helping U.S. dairy producers improve cow management, is excited to introduce Sort my Cow
Pennsylvania Secretary of Agriculture Russell Redding, two-time Super Bowl Champion and Former Pittsburgh Steelers Quarterback Charlie Batch and PA Dairy Princess Royalty