Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 27 2019
The name describes the product very succinctly — tea topped with cheese. There’s a little more to it than that simple description, however
May 27 2019
The surprisingly steady land market provides emerging optimism for the dairy market. According to the data from the Federal Reserve Bank land values have held up well in 2018 across most of the central...
May 27 2019
There are many reasons milk from mammals is called “Nature’s most perfect food.”
May 27 2019
This year, the Social Security Administration sent employers across the country, including numerous dairy producers, “no-match” letters
May 27 2019
Across much of the Midwest, the hope for a perfect growing season has already been dashed as planters and forage harvesters sit idle in barn sheds as one of the wettest springs in recent memory imposes...
May 20 2019
Consistently, research shows that the longer calves can be backgrounded (housed and fed individually) before they are put into a group pen setting, the better
May 20 2019
Mixed movements took place in U.S. prices this past week, while EU prices were mostly weaker. News reports suggest the U.S. is close to an agreement with Canada and Mexico on steel imports
May 20 2019
The challenges faced by dairymen and dairywomen are downright dire down on the farm
May 20 2019
“When you’re in an environment of low margin, high volatility, the reactive manager gets wiped out,” explained Virginia Tech’s David Kohl at the recent Tri-State Dairy Nutrition...
May 20 2019
Sign-up for USDA’s new Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) risk management program begins in less than a month (on June 17)
May 13 2019
Last year initially showed promise for U.S. dairy farmers, then trade battles with America’s top three dairy trading partners
May 13 2019
There is no one way to farm, and likewise, no two farmers are the same
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