Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
July 15 2019
Margins in the dairy industry in the past several years have forced dairy producers to further fine-tune their financial strategies
July 15 2019
Returns from making milk in the American Southwest have been tough to come by for dairy farmers
July 15 2019
Forage inventories are in rough shape for many. USDA crop reports have suggested stalled corn and bean acres have mostly recovered over the past few weeks, with crop ratings improving
July 8 2019
In conversations revolving around welfare, a common topic is pasture allowance. Particularly among consumers, there is great interest to the merits of permanent pasture housing versus permanent enclosure...
July 8 2019
Sign-up for the new Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program is well underway, and sign-ups have been steady since enrollment began on June 17
July 8 2019
“With the way the economics have been in the industry the last couple years, you better have a strong relationship with your lender,” advised Scott Benner
July 8 2019
Dairy farming invokes a nostalgic image in America among many folks in my generation: Lots of farms were diversified and had a handful of dairy cows to supply the family’s milk and feed the hogs,...
July 5 2019
Even though the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the European Chemicals Agency have declared that glyphosate
July 1 2019
Despite last year’s dismal dairy economics, a few farms in Michigan managed to eke out positive cash flows
July 1 2019
Reproductive herd health visits by veterinarians have changed tremendously with the use of ultrasound technology
July 1 2019
If lower milk prices are the new normal, then it’s time to find ways to evaluate each dollar spent on feed
July 1 2019
Quality calf care is a must, but in reality, a calf’s needs are fairly simple
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