Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 2 2019
If at all possible, dairy personnel putting up corn silage this fall should aim to store like forages with like forages
Sept. 2 2019
When humans are hot or uncomfortable, they tend to want a little more personal space. For some reason, cows have the opposite reaction, which leads to a problem called bunching
Sept. 2 2019
Despite a dismal corn planting season for the majority of the country, dairy producers could breathe a bit easier about previously projected shortages raising feed prices
Sept. 2 2019
Many dairy producers who enrolled in the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program have already received checks for the first part of the year
Aug. 26 2019
This July, U.S. dairy farmers collectively sent 256,800 dairy cows to packing plants
Aug. 26 2019
As corn silage makes its way from the field to the farm, proper storage becomes essential
Aug. 26 2019
When it comes to the breakfast table, beverage milk and breakfast cereal have been long hitched together as complementary food items
Aug. 26 2019
While most farmers in the South and West already have their corn silage safely stored away, many in the Midwest and Northeast are still wondering if their corn will reach maturity
Aug. 26 2019
Milking robots offer a number of advantages. An automatic milking system (AMS) tends to boost production, reduce labor, and provide valuable data to help with day-to-day herd management
Aug. 19 2019
Whey isn’t the only dairy-related U.S. agricultural product being battered by the trade war between the U.S. and China
Aug. 19 2019
Many dairy farms have made great strides in reproduction. Looking through data from the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC), a 20 percent pregnancy rate would have been considered elite just a decade...
Aug. 19 2019
Converting from conventional tillage to a reduced or no-till cropping system may come with a learning curve, but in terms of corn planting, it doesn’t require new machinery
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