Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 25 2019
Wages are up. That’s been a common refrain over the last several years. Anecdotal evidence is all around us, and the data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and USDA allows us to see the magnitude...
Nov. 25 2019
Dairy farmers may have found the best of both worlds — with a practice that’s already relatively common
Nov. 25 2019
As the end of each year draws near, people often reflect on the successes and failures of the past and the possibilities for the months to come
Nov. 25 2019
Just like stress in humans, stress in cows isn’t like other diseases we treat. Instead of being diagnosed the cow is sick or the cow is not, stress is something that amasses as one stress piles on...
Nov. 18 2019
A voluntary waiting period (VWP) of 88 days is the longest calving-to-breeding period among all the finalists in this year’s Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council’s awards competition
Nov. 18 2019
It’s no secret that milk quality has improved enormously over the last few decades. In fact, DHI records indicate that the national average for somatic cell counts has fallen from 304,000 cells/mL...
Nov. 18 2019
The preweaning period of a calf’s life is not only important for its health and growth down the road, it’s also indicative of its behavior and ability to adapt to new situations
Nov. 18 2019
Protein ranks No. 1 for Americans shopping for nutritious foods. And dairy provides excellent results, either in a cold glass of milk or in the dizzying new nonrefrigerated beverage products appearing...
Nov. 18 2019
“I am getting tired of people who tell me that ‘I don’t take care of my land and I don’t take care of my cows,’” said Randy Mooney
Nov. 11 2019
People often compare group housed calves to small children in daycare — when one gets sick, they all get sick
Nov. 11 2019
Negative business and organizational cultures in U.S. workplaces are killing people and costing the economy millions of dollars
Nov. 11 2019
Although final year-end milk production and dairy farm numbers are not yet in, 2019 predictably is shaping up to virtually zero growth in milk production
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