Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Jan. 13 2020
One of the most challenging roles of the feeding team is to track and account for feed as it goes through the feeding center and into the bunk. In order to do this, it’s important to test, track,...
Jan. 13 2020
There’s been a stark contrast in dairy processing circles in the past 60 days
Jan. 13 2020
There’s much more potential for beef-on-dairy breedings than just settling cows
Jan. 13 2020
Numerous news outlets, and even those within dairy circles, continue to publish “internet click candy” articles stating Wisconsin has experienced historic dairy farm losses
Jan. 13 2020
Here we are on the upward swing of the commodity price cycle roller coaster.Time to take a deep breath — yes
Jan. 6 2020
When it comes to positive tanker loads of milk for antibiotic residues, dairy farmers collectively reached a new threshold for quality control
Jan. 6 2020
“With 60 to 65 percent of the milk check going towards feeding/feed costs, this has a huge impact on farm profitability,” explained Leatherbrook Holsteins’ Adam Graft
Jan. 6 2020
Global skim milk powder inventories begin this year at the lowest levels since the start of 2015
Jan. 6 2020
Raw milk could be on its way to becoming a little more accessible to the general public
Jan. 6 2020
It’s true — 74 farms — just 3.16% of all dairies in the Central Federal Milk Marketing Order — produced half of all the milk shipped within that order this past October
Dec. 30 2019
At one time, the most respected group of bovine veterinarians on the continent lumped dehorning and castration together with comingled guidelines
Dec. 30 2019
The long-standing relationship of milk and school lunches has put dairy in front of children for generations
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