Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
March 23 2020
The recent COVID-19 events and realities are unprecedented. We are truly seeing history being made that will have an effect on the dairy industry and society as a whole
March 16 2020
The sustainability conversation around agriculture, particularly animal agriculture, has become increasingly front of mind for a growing number of people
March 16 2020
When heifer inventories are considered, an often-overlooked impact of a smaller heifer inventory is a need to take a closer look at culling rates in the lactating herd
March 16 2020
Several enhancements will take effect for the April 7 triannual dairy genetic evaluations, with the most noticeable update being the genetic base
March 16 2020
Many farms have invested in facilities designed specifically for heifers, providing a space for these herd replacements to be cared for and grow
March 16 2020
The coronavirus has taken a big bite out of all the markets. And dairy certainly is not immune to the spreading impact of the COVID-19 virus
March 9 2020
New research has been all over the headlines recently for suggesting that children who drink whole milk are 39% less likely to be overweight than children who drink reduced fat or skim milk
March 9 2020
With heifer prices dropping to modern-day record lows in the last several years, many farms have been faced with the question of what to do with extra heifers that aren’t bound for their lactating...
March 9 2020
Trends in consumer reporting have shown that people are drinking less fluid milk each year
March 9 2020
The U.S. is the third largest exporter of dairy products after the European Union and New Zealand. There is always interest in how we compare our milk prices to another country
March 9 2020
During the Wisconsin Agricultural Outlook Forum, University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Director of Dairy Policy Analysis Mark Stephenson addressed what he considered to be the “elephant in the...
March 2 2020
Along with nearly every industry in the country, dairy has welcomed robotic technologies and artificial intelligence into the workplace in hopes of stemming labor shortages
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