Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 25 2020
With the turmoil of dairy markets the past few months, farmers may likely be looking a bit deeper into their balance sheets and income statements for 2020
May 18 2020
Dairy consumers in many countries around the world can easily pick out Irish butter with its leprechauns and Dutch cheese covered in windmills and tulips from their grocery store shelves
May 18 2020
Whether you’re talking about David Copperfield making the Statue of Liberty disappear or the CME cheese market, sometimes there just isn’t a rational explanation
May 18 2020
When the dairy market is expanded to a global perspective, often the conversation shifts to our competitors and how to best them
May 18 2020
COVID-19 has sent shockwaves throughout the dairy industry, as school feeding programs and food service markets have disappeared overnight
May 18 2020
Dairy herds have made great strides in reproductive efficiency over the years. One only has to look at numbers from just two decades ago to note these remarkable improvements
May 11 2020
How long are you expecting to limit production because of co-op, processor, or personally instituted milk production restrictions? That was the question posed to our DairyLivestream audience on May 6,...
May 11 2020
A very positive trend in dairy cattle research the past few years has been more studies on calves. However, in a Dairy Calf and Heifer Association presentation, University of Guelph’s Michael Steele...
May 11 2020
For most dairy producers, land is their main source of equity and, with commodity prices in the doldrums, many are putting their hopes in land markets being able to withstand the crisis caused by COVID-19
May 11 2020
The pile up of tight financial years since 2015 has caused many producers to take incredibly sharp pencils to their operating budgets
May 11 2020
“We used to pride ourselves on a just-in-time system,” said United Dairymen of Arizona CEO Keith Murfield on the May 6 episode of DairyLivestream. “But that turned out to be just a disaster.”
May 4 2020
Researchers and farmers alike are uncovering benefits of pair or group housing for calves, from cognitive learning, behavioral flexibility, adaptability, and resilience to stress
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