Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
June 22 2020
The value of water to cow comfort cannot be understated. It’s useful to remember that, in times of potential heat stress, water is not only necessary for drinking but can also help cows release excess...
June 22 2020
Forage polls conducted across the country provide a peek into this year’s feed outlook. The polls involve gathering data from a forage testing laboratory database and charting the results over time...
June 22 2020
COVID-19 shutdowns and regulations across the country have left childcare operations in a certain amount of flux. In some areas, they are operating at full capacity, others have capacity limits, and still...
June 22 2020
When you consider major sources of variability in terms of nutrition, a single ingredient might not be on the top of your list for consideration
June 22 2020
When the new 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans are released later this year, it appears dairy will keep its prominent seat at the table in USDA’s diet recommendations
June 15 2020
Every inch counts when it comes to the feedbunk, and eating space is one of veterinarian Gary Oetzel’s top feeding management concerns for prefresh dairy cows
June 15 2020
National retail and food service efforts by the Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (DFW) stretch dairy farmer’s investment through the checkoff
June 15 2020
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has been a big player in the relief packages offered to farmers during the COVID-19 pandemic
June 15 2020
Although we’re not free and clear from the current round of coronavirus, the possibility of another surge this fall continues to create more questions on what schools, restaurants, and social events...
June 15 2020
“If you happened to max out on Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC), are going to receive Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) payments, you did Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP), or are locked in at a...
June 8 2020
Timely harvest of the forage summits the list compiled by the University of Florida’s Adegbola Adesogan. It’s fully detailed below
June 8 2020
Heat stress is back for the summer. The most important tool to deal with rising temperatures is airflow, according to John Tyson of Penn State Extension
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