Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
July 13 2020
Coronavirus precautions have vastly changed workplaces for both dairy farmers and their employees, an important part of the nation’s critical infrastructure
July 13 2020
At the peak of the COVID-19 panic buying in March, weekly dairy sales were nearly half a billion dollars higher than they would have been during a regular week, said market researcher Anne-Marie Roerink
July 6 2020
It’s official, Class III milk headed to the cheese vat will be priced far higher than all other classes. That’s because the cheese markets rallied in short order
July 6 2020
Whether building brand new or repurposing an old building, there are certain details that should not be overlooked when it comes to heifer housing
July 6 2020
Forecasting the future of the U.S. dairy industry has always been a difficult task due in part to the inelastic nature of the demand for dairy products
July 6 2020
Although there is risk of hot weather and the potential for drought across some parts of the country in July, this year’s corn crop is looking markedly better than last year
July 6 2020
Milk prices are high now, but they are not expected to last. What might a producer do to slow the financial impact of that fluctuation?
June 29 2020
As agriculturalists, we are well aware of the impacts COVID-19 has had on farm gate prices. As consumers, we have witnessed empty store shelves where products used to be and limits placed on certain items
June 29 2020
The United States dairy industry has made great improvement in recent years in reducing antibiotic residues. In the past quarter century, the sector’s hard work has allowed it to cut milk truck residues...
June 29 2020
Class III milk, not Class I, could be the price leader in June milk checks. “June’s Class III price (driven by cheese price gains) is expected to jump over $7 per hundredweight (cwt.)
June 29 2020
Class III milk, not Class I, likely will be the price leader in June milk checks. That’s a rare occurrence as Class I beverage milk is typically the market leader
June 29 2020
“I think this is a fragile high,” cautioned dairy economist Mark Stephenson. We know that milk prices already live on a knife’s edge, and the pandemic has heightened that uncertainty
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