Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 28 2020
Dairy products have an important and well-recognized role in retail locations. That’s been true for many years, and it’s not a market that the industry hopes to cede in any way
Sept. 28 2020
After logging 3,400 miles of windshield time through the heart of America’s cropland from September 14 to 18, I came away with this finding — this could be a banner crop year
Sept. 21 2020
“Dairy perishability will be as important as portability in the months and years ahead,” said Phil Plourd, president of Blimling and Associates Inc. and president of the services division of...
Sept. 21 2020
Automatic milking systems continue to grow in popularity as they provide benefits in improved cow health and more behavioral freedom, detailed Trevor DeVries of the University of Guelph
Sept. 21 2020
Dairy farmers are always looking for ways to strengthen and maintain the health and immunity of their dairy cows
Sept. 21 2020
When Paul Fouts built a second freestall barn on his Cortland, N.Y., dairy, he chose to build another three-row barn
Sept. 21 2020
Global import demand was much stronger than expected in the second quarter of this year, and that extended into July with imports up an estimated 6.4% from last year
Sept. 14 2020
“Half of 1% of all global greenhouse gases are a result of animal-sourced foods we produce and consume in the U.S. I know in the public, and in the media, the notion is out there that what we eat...
Sept. 14 2020
The current economic context implies a high level of market uncertainty. But overall, the farm economic climate is better than expected. The CME/Purdue “Ag Economy Barometer” reports that...
Sept. 14 2020
“Conflict is often healthy. It can generate creativity and new ideas, lead to improved decision making, and help people learn and grow,” said Rob Skacel, a business psychologist with True Edge...
Sept. 14 2020
What makes a dairy profitable? There are many potential answers, but one in particular rose to the top in Cornell University’s recently completed Dairy Farm Business Summary. It’s what Cornell...
Sept. 14 2020
Consumers have been flocking back to butter. That’s because evidence continues to mount that all dietary fats are not equal
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