Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 4 2020
In light of recent events, the dairy industry has found itself needing to get creative with uses for surplus milk, such as spreading it on fields or feeding it back to cows in a total mixed ration (TMR)
May 4 2020
Discussion surrounding adjustments to on-farm milk production are ongoing as demand for dairy products continues to stumble due to the COVID-19 outbreak
May 4 2020
Water quality, having a plan for dry cow housing, and learning how to work with calves in group housing. Those are the top three lessons Randy Gross learned from real-life experiences during a 2016 dairy...
May 4 2020
How much has your dairy processing plant or co-op asked your dairy farm or your clients to cut back milk shipments?
April 30 2020
“We want to minimize our loss, not necessarily by minimizing cost.” That’s the cautionary advice from Cornell University Extension Associate Jason Karszes in response to the COVID-19...
April 27 2020
Dairy farmers are being financially squeezed by the COVID-19 vice. Just like being wedged in a vice in a farm shop . . . one jaw bearing down on dairy producers involves dumped milk because of lost sales...
April 27 2020
There’s a big spread in cheese prices. The world’s largest dairy product exporter, New Zealand, has Cheddar selling for roughly $2 per pound at the Global Dairy Trade (GDT) auction held within...
April 27 2020
In many parts of the country, to say last fall’s harvest season was challenging is a major understatement. Attempts to finish cropping and apply manure through wet soil conditions left many fields...
April 27 2020
We’ve heard the stories of milk being dumped in pockets of the country as processors reach their capacities because of the drastic change in demand from COVID-19
April 27 2020
COVID-19 certainly has disrupted the markets. So much so that in mid-April the USDA announced that they would be partnering with “regional and local distributors, whose workforce has been significantly...
April 20 2020
For dairy producers incorporating beef semen into their breeding programs, there are a lot of benefits
April 20 2020
Milk fatty acid metrics are used for routine herd monitoring and to troubleshoot situations where milkfat content is lower than desired
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