Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Feb. 13 2020
An on-farm retail store provides a unique opportunity, not only to sell products directly to customers, but to also bring them to the farm on a regular basis
Feb. 13 2020
During the 1990s when Miner Institute was just starting to plant brown midrib (BMR) corn, the seed company representative selling these silage-only hybrids advised us to plant them only on our best cropland...
Feb. 10 2020
Horns on cattle were a natural part of farm life for most operations, but around the 1960s, producers realized that removing these horns makes for a much safer and easier working environment
Feb. 10 2020
The farm press is filled with stories of farm injuries, workplace fatalities, and life-threatening health concerns from exposure to toxic gases, dusts, and other hazards
Feb. 10 2020
Running a dairy farm is more than enough work for a dairy farm family to handle. When you add on farm processing and direct sales to the mix, challenges certainly come with the rewards
Feb. 10 2020
Over the last 10 years, the fat component of milk has been a key driver of milk price. The construction of the ration can have a significant impact on milkfat percentage and milk yield
Feb. 10 2020
Milk is milk. In some people’s minds, that is no longer the case
Feb. 3 2020
New types of dairy products must continue to change the face of the industry — we’ve seen the success already with milks, yogurts, and coffee creamers, just to name a few
Feb. 3 2020
“When a cow calves, it is kept in the hospital pen for three days. Hospital pens are checked daily, and we monitor the health of the cows and check for antibiotic residues to ensure quality of milk,”...
Feb. 3 2020
Dairy economist Mark Stephenson predicts that 2020 will be a better year for milk prices — with a few asterisks
Feb. 3 2020
The last several years of wet and warm conditions in dairy regions across the country have brought up the important conversation of forage hygiene
Feb. 3 2020
The financial situation for dairy producers has improved as milk prices gained more than $4 per hundredweight during 2019
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