Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Aug. 31 2020
Providing palatable milks with school lunches is only half the battle in developing dairy habits in children
Aug. 31 2020
Although California and the Western U.S. are making headlines for excessively high temperatures and effects from fires such as smoke, dairy analysts don’t anticipate much loss on milk production
Aug. 24 2020
It’s been nearly six months since COVID-19 shuttered schools across the country
Aug. 24 2020
Viewers took the opportunity on the August 19 episode of Hoard’s Dairyman DairyLivestream to ask registered dietician Yvonne Greer her viewpoint on alternative milk beverages
Aug. 24 2020
With the 2020 turmoil, I sense this time of the year brings excitement and a sense of purpose for many
Aug. 24 2020
Could dairy’s “V-shaped” price recovery transcend into a “W-shaped” price downturn? If shifted from a “V” to a “W-shaped” milk price graph, the markets...
Aug. 24 2020
Post-lockdown dairy demand is both fantastic and terrible. It is hard to make sense out of all the individual data points
Aug. 17 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic put quite a strain on labor across the country as employees contracted the disease or were forced to quarantine due to exposure to the virus.
Aug. 17 2020
Extending the time a cow spends resting can be a valuable strategy to bump up herd milk production
Aug. 17 2020
Getting Wisconsin Cheese and dairy products featured on television is a big initiative for Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin (DFW)
Aug. 17 2020
The number of daily visits a cow makes to an automated milking system has a notable impact on overall milk production
Aug. 17 2020
Since June 2019, 580 American farms filed for Chapter 12 bankruptcy according to the American Farm Bureau Federation
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