Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 9 2020
Roughly a quarter of U.S. milk was covered under Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) and about 13% was insured under Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) for 2020, said Tiffany LaMendola of Blimling and Associates
Nov. 9 2020
Stability, predictability, and adequacy — those are three things farmers require from dairy markets
Nov. 2 2020
Milkfat often gets the attention when talking about milk components, but a recent surge in the price of milk protein has given producers cause to look more closely at optimizing milk protein production
Nov. 2 2020
“Milking is a complex interaction where the dairyman, the cows, and the milking unit need to work as one,” said Greg Strait, an extension educator in Pennsylvania’s Fulton County
Nov. 2 2020
The dairy industry is in a much better financial position today than anyone would have thought back in late March when the COVID-19 pandemic was beginning to create unprecedented effects across the country
Nov. 2 2020
Cow hugging, known as "koe knuffelen" in Dutch, has emerged as a new wellness trend, complete with YouTube videos, an international media hype, and plenty of uptake on Instagram
Nov. 2 2020
Cheese absorbs more milk than any other dairy product. Overall, it sure seems like cheese demand is pretty good despite concerns that the pandemic-induced decline in food service sales was going to be...
Oct. 26 2020
When it comes to mastitis, milk culturing can answer a very important question: “Are we dealing with contagious or environmental organisms?”
Oct. 26 2020
Now that silage harvest is finished in Iowa, it’s time to evaluate the corn and alfalfa quality in terms of digestibility, what it means for milk production, and even a comparison to past crop year...
Oct. 26 2020
While some dairy products have seen dramatic gains in purchases due to COVID-19 and other products such as yogurt have seen consumers curtail buying, butter has been somewhere in the middle
Oct. 26 2020
Federal aid to farmers in this unprecedented year has taken a number of forms: two iterations of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP), the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), and the Farmers to...
Oct. 19 2020
The true cost of raising replacement heifers is difficult to determine, although every dairy farmer realizes it’s a significant investment
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