Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Oct. 19 2020
Anyone who works with calves knows they can become sick and dehydrated very quickly
Oct. 19 2020
According to political forecasting website fivethirtyeight.com, Pennsylvania is currently rated as the most likely “tipping point” state in this year’s presidential election
Oct. 19 2020
Harvest management is known to be one of the primary factors that influences forage quality on the farm . . . especially when it comes to the hay crop
Oct. 19 2020
From a business standpoint, the U.S. Dairy Export Council’s decision to open its U.S. Center for Dairy Excellence this October in Singapore . . . in the heart of Southeast Asia . . . just may be...
Oct. 12 2020
Just how much U.S. milk goes into U.S. dairy exports? A few readers posed that question after reading the October 10, 2020, Editorial Comment "Should we cull all the cows in Wisconsin?"
Oct. 12 2020
While farmers are currently preparing for corn grain harvest, they need to consider phantom yield loss, moisture, and soil compaction
Oct. 12 2020
The blank spot on many dairy calendars this year — the one where World Dairy Expo is usually marked — offers yet another reminder that 2020 is very different
Oct. 12 2020
The title of this article, “You can’t sell your cheese here,” is a sentiment that is becoming more common for American cheese producers to hear while trying to market their products around...
Oct. 12 2020
The European Union’s (EU) use of geographical indications (GIs) to monopolize the cheese market is founded on the belief that European cheeses are of a higher quality than those made elsewhere, including...
Oct. 5 2020
When preparing for planting after corn silage harvest, farmers need to consider forage inventory, cereal grain management, economics, and trying new forages
Oct. 5 2020
U.S. cheese consumption posted another new record. In 2019, every American, on average, consumed 38.3 pounds of cheese
Oct. 5 2020
Ensuring the safety of farm workers takes multiple forms, and it’s helpful to remember the unique circumstances that may affect women on the farm
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