Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Nov. 23 2020
Though feeding a dairy heifer makes up the largest single cost of raising it, that still can become a lower priority
Nov. 23 2020
Providing dairy workers with formal safety training is not typically an easy task. Workers are on tight schedules, training resources are scarce, and language barriers exist
Nov. 23 2020
Determining the value of milk, which is known as price discovery, is one of the intrinsic capabilities of the federal order system
Nov. 23 2020
If you asked a group of dairy farmers from across the country to define the function of the Federal Milk Marketing Orders, you might get a wide range of answers
Nov. 16 2020
“We are extremely particular about the nutrient balance in our prefresh and postfresh rations,” explained Paul Colgan of Patterson Farms
Nov. 16 2020
In December, dairy cattle sustainability will add a genetic tool with the introduction of the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding’s (CDCB) Feed Saved trait in Holstein sire evaluations
Nov. 16 2020
The National Milk Producers Federation is aggressively working to have the newest science on full-fat dairy products be included in the latest version of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGAs)
Nov. 16 2020
While dry hay once dominated alfalfa production, certain parts of the country have come to rely more on alfalfa haylage over time
Nov. 16 2020
Dairy farming is increasingly characterized by growing farm sizes and more levels of uncertainty
Nov. 9 2020
The health pandemic induced by the novel coronavirus has upended plans throughout the world, and the agricultural community has not been immune to the situation
Nov. 9 2020
“The volatility within dairy has been very, very extreme,” said Kyle Schrad, vice president of Global Dairy and Food Operations at StoneX Financial Corporation. (Figure 1)
Nov. 9 2020
Before and after calving, a dairy cow’s body experiences significant change. This includes the uterus, which can go from carrying a calf, placenta, and fluids down to the size of an adult’s...
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