Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Dec. 14 2020
In late November, hundreds of dairy farmers received letters from a Minnesota law firm representing the Dean Foods Estate
Dec. 7 2020
It’s almost time to ring in the new year. Now is the time that farmers need to be collecting, tracking, and using information to prepare for the end of 2020
Dec. 7 2020
This week, when the calendar turns to December, it’s a clear sign that winter weather is quickly approaching
Dec. 7 2020
While there is a good amount of turnover in leadership of the agriculture committees in Congress, the agriculture industry as a whole also has its attention focused on a critically important appointment...
Dec. 7 2020
With some new faces headed to Washington, D.C., after last month’s election, both Congress and the White House will likely shift their top priorities to tackle in the coming months and years
Dec. 7 2020
U.S. dairy cow numbers are on the rise again, with the U.S. herd up 40,000 head in October 2020 relative to June
Nov. 30 2020
“We utilize Dairy Comp 305 for our record keeping and record health events weekly,” said Andy Fisher of the importance of herd health records
Nov. 30 2020
More U.S. dairy products have likely moved through government programs in 2020 than at any other point in the past 30 years. How much of an impact have those purchases had on dairy prices?
Nov. 30 2020
Dairy producers will soon have two new traits of significant economic value to consider in their breeding programs
Nov. 30 2020
“If you look around your farm . . . what sort of things do I want to hide from the public? What’s not going on the packaging on the milk container at the grocery store?”
Nov. 30 2020
Dairy farmers have become accustomed to operating in an environment of “reasonable uncertainty.” However, the COVID-19 crisis has made 2020 prices especially volatile for the industry
Nov. 23 2020
“We have made several improvements over the past few years to help our cows and heifers that are safe in calf,” said Travis Holmes, the lone repeat winner in the 13th Annual Dairy Cattle Reproduction...
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