Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Feb. 1 2021
While it has been a somewhat mild winter so far in parts of the country, that doesn’t mean there hasn’t been cold days and nights, especially for people working outside and for calves housed...
Jan. 25 2021
Nutrition programs, climate change, and trade will likely be high priorities for both the House and Senate agriculture leaders in this new Congress, panelists discussed on the January 20 Hoard’s...
Jan. 25 2021
“With every bite they take . . . every mouthful, there’s good quality forage going into that animal for good animal performance,” said Jerry Clark during the Focus on Forage webinar “Managing...
Jan. 25 2021
When Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers addressed attendees at the Dairy Business Association’s “Dairy Strong” virtual conference, he started by recognizing the diligence of dairy farmers
Jan. 25 2021
The inspiration for a checkoff-led research project sometimes begins during a basic roundtable brainstorm session among my National Dairy Council (NDC) colleagues
Jan. 25 2021
“I don’t think there’s any debate that improving broadband access in rural areas is both necessary and worthy. That’s just not a question,” said Cornell’s Andy Novakovic...
Jan. 18 2021
Much discussion has unfolded surrounding the income boost to dairy producers from government policy aimed to help offset the effects of COVID-19
Jan. 18 2021
It wasn’t the year anyone predicted in the dairy industry, but according to University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mark Stephenson, in terms of milk price, 2020 was better than we thought
Jan. 18 2021
The American Dairy Science Association published a study that confirms households purchasing food for children behave differently than all other American households
Jan. 18 2021
Feed and forage testing opportunities have advanced significantly in recent years. For a comparatively small investment, one can obtain comprehensive information about forage that comprises a large part...
Jan. 18 2021
It may have taken a little bit longer to appear, but since the coronavirus began reaching rural areas, there has been no stopping it
Jan. 15 2021
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