Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
April 5 2021
Matt Kaschmitter, a managing partner for Silverstreak Dairy, shared his insight in building connections between livestock producers and crop farmers at the Midwest Forage Association’s virtual annual...
April 5 2021
Dairy producers and genetic enthusiasts eagerly await the next release of dairy genetic evaluations on Tuesday, April 6. These triannual evaluations – on April 6, August 10, and December 7
April 5 2021
Dairy cattle are great upcyclers, making valuable milk and meat from feedstuffs that would often otherwise be wasted. To take advantage of this asset, dairy farmers are able to feed their animals by-products
April 5 2021
Policymaking in Washington, D.C., often occurs at a snail’s pace. This holds especially true early in the year when new staff are being hired, alliances are being formed, and lawmakers are testing...
March 29 2021
As of 2017, nearly 300,000 acres of cover crops were planted across New York state. That’s 7% of the state’s total cropland, and that land number continues to grow
March 29 2021
Relatively steady grocery store prices keep consumers coming back {link to Milk drives consumers to the store} for milk and other dairy products
March 29 2021
On Monday, March 22, the USDA held a 12-hour listening session to hear feedback from the public about the Farmers to Families Food Box Program
March 29 2021
Scarcity and oversupply were two of the stories that permeated the past year as COVID-19 influenced dairy markets
March 29 2021
“Dairy farmers don’t consider themselves beef producers, but they should,” said Aerica Bjurstrom, a University of Wisconsin Division of Extension agriculture agent, said during a “Badger...
March 22 2021
We’ve seen firsthand over the past year that disease is anything but simple. While we’ve been experiencing it for ourselves, the same is true for illnesses in our dairy animals
March 22 2021
With a heightened focus on health and wellness, establishing healthy eating patterns is more important than ever. Good health begins during pregnancy, and research is emphasizing the role nutrition plays
March 22 2021
Assigning, analyzing, and performing activity analysis allows farmers understand their detailed loading and mixing feed costs, said Jason Karszes of PRO-DAIRY
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