Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 24 2021
As markets and the dairy industry as a whole continues to change, many dairy producers have investigated value-added processing as an opportunity for their operations
May 24 2021
Making sure that every farmer’s bulk tank is empty at the end of each day is key for the team that works at and with FarmFirst Dairy Cooperative, said General Manager Jeff Lyon on the May 19 Hoard’s...
May 24 2021
“Sexed semen has changed the dairy landscape,” said Dan Schaefer, an animal science professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, during the May Hoard’s Dairyman webinar
May 24 2021
Farmer-funded research by the National Dairy Council (NDC) allows us to engage in myth-busting when necessary
May 24 2021
Global efforts to reduce atmospheric carbon and slow rising temperatures through government, customer, and consumer intervention are putting the squeeze on carbon emissions from all sectors – including...
May 17 2021
Value-added has become a popular term on many dairies in recent years, and there can be great benefits from turning your own milk into dairy products to sell
May 17 2021
When added together across the globe, 99 percent of the world’s milk hails from 123 countries
May 17 2021
“Beef production from Holstein steers has been a natural by-product or co-product of milk production,” said University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Dan Schaefer during the May Hoard’s...
May 17 2021
The year that was 2020 will long be remembered as a year when the unthinkable happened . . . a global pandemic that nearly halted economic activity for a period of time
May 17 2021
At 3.95%, the butterfat content in last year’s milk supply has pushed historic highs in USDA data tracing back to 1924
May 10 2021
Navel care was one area Tina Kohlman, a dairy and livestock agent with the University of Wisconsin Division of Extension, focused on during a Badger Dairy Insights “Optimizing management for calf...
May 10 2021
Despite all the challenges facing dairy last year, 2020 was a good year for U.S. dairy exports. And there’s reason for continued growth now and in the future
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