Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
May 10 2021
Depooling…the dirty word blamed for last year’s painful negative Producer Price Differentials (PPDs) and wild price swings. Many ideas may exist for reform, but which might actually work?
May 10 2021
In the 19 years prior to 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, the monthly difference between Class III and Class IV prices had exceeded $5 per hundredweight (cwt.) on only six occasions
May 10 2021
For those of us on dairy farms, the thought of artificial insemination becoming illegal sounds like a dreadful story straight from the spooky plotlines of the “Twilight Zone.”
May 3 2021
For only the 18th time in its 84-year history, the Klussendorf Association voted to extend honorary membership to an individual who has gone above and beyond the call of duty to improve the purebred d
May 3 2021
Corn for silage will be planted soon, if not already, and harvested during the summer
May 3 2021
Just as in human medicine, antibiotics can serve as a useful treatment tool when a dairy animal becomes sick
May 3 2021
Moving through the spring flush, dairy markets have climbed with a focus on the anticipation of widespread reopening of food service and the broader service sector
May 3 2021
On Tony Brubaker’s Pennsylvania dairy farm, they began dry matter intake tracking 15 years ago
April 26 2021
While the pandemic and its effects are by no means behind the United States, recent vaccine availability and slipping COVID-19 infection rates have caused many parts of the country to walk back policies...
April 26 2021
The demand for dairy continues, but transportation remains rocky. That’s according to Phil Plourd, president of Blimling and Associates, in an April 14 webinar, “Bumpy Roads, Choppy Waters:...
April 26 2021
The USDA launched the Dairy Revenue Protection (DRP) program in the fourth quarter of 2018
April 26 2021
The dairy supply chain was able to keep operating as best it could last spring thanks in no small part to the employees working at dairy processing plants
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