Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
July 12 2021
Since the Net Merit (NM$) selection index was first introduced in 1994, it has undergone a number of revisions as we learn more about cows and how dairy farmers manage their herd
July 5 2021
During the Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, Iowa State University’s Jesse Goff, D.V.M., explained that calves die from scours for one of several reasons, including dehydration...
July 5 2021
Dairy farmers have long been environmental stewards, tending with great care to their land and water as they sustain it for future generations
July 5 2021
The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) that officially took effect July 1, 2020, has received a lot of attention for its negotiations to crack open the door just a little wider
July 5 2021
The United States-Mexico-Canada trade agreement (USMCA) that went into effect last year was the first multilateral trade agreement among the North American countries to explicitly address dairy trade
July 5 2021
It’s a win for farmers . . . including the strawberry farmers who filed this case. Not only is this ruling a big win for all farmers, it a big win for property rights
June 28 2021
U.S. dairy’s value as a global solution has never been more apparent than it has been this year, with exports reaching records and domestic consumption also at historically high levels
June 28 2021
During the Four State Dairy Nutrition and Management Conference, University of Illinois dairy extension specialist Derek Nolan shared a tool that can be used to measure the impact of heat stress on a dairy...
June 28 2021
Combating udder infection is one of the most important tasks a dairy farm can undertake to keep cows healthy, comfortable, and productive
June 28 2021
The natural instinct of a dairy farmer is to prioritize the cows. Commonly, cows are the first to eat, first to receive fresh bedding, and even the first to get a pedicure in the form of a hoof trim
June 28 2021
It would be easy to blame the recent price weakness on very strong milk supply. U.S. milk production in May was up 4.6% from last year
June 21 2021
When consumers spend $1 on dairy products, dairy farmers receive 30 cents of that dollar. That’s according to the latest research by USDA’s Economic Research Service
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