Hoard's Dairyman Intel is an e-newsletter resource for the dairy industry. Headline news, market insights, dairy policy updates, and so much more are featured in each issue. If you would like Intel to arrive in your inbox on Monday and Thursday, subscribe by clicking this subscribe link.
Sept. 23 2019
In promising news for dairy producers, the results of a new survey of 2,200 Americans found that an overwhelming 86 percent of adults prefer dairy milk
Sept. 16 2019
The 61 million members of Gen Z grew more massive than the Millennials this year, according to Forbes magazine
Sept. 16 2019
The adoption of automatic milking systems, or robots, on dairy farms across the country and the world has resulted in changes to cow comfort, management techniques, labor control, and producer lifestyles
Sept. 16 2019
Plant-based meat alternatives are high in sodium and heme iron. Both are risk factors for important diseases
Sept. 16 2019
Overcrowding a barn can have negative impacts on milk production and animal health; Penn State Extension’s John Tyson pointed to several factors that could restrict the number of animals a barn can...
Sept. 16 2019
Take control. That’s a message I echoed in a recent webinar to dairy forage growers. Get out, scout your fields with your agronomist and assess your corn’s current growth stage
Sept. 9 2019
As dairy farmers in Australia continue to battle with hot weather and drought conditions, milk production has taken a hit
Sept. 9 2019
In today’s age of instant information, dairy farmers and industry people have heard time and time again that we need to share our story to gain trust with consumers
Sept. 9 2019
Calcium status surrounding calving is not only important, but it also varies significantly depending on the cow
Sept. 9 2019
The navel cord provides a lifeline between the dam and its calf during gestation
Sept. 9 2019
From the peak of 9.438 million dairy cows in January 2018, the U.S. dairy cow inventory has declined by 128,000 head as of July 2019
Sept. 2 2019
While domestic dairy semen sales stagnated in 2018, domestic beef sales have exploded. The trend shows no sign of slowing in 2019
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